Revival, Part 2 of 5
So, who are we? I mean who are we as Timber Ridge Baptist Church? Let’s break this down.
First, we are a church, that is, a baptized body of followers of Christ. We meet together for worship, prayer, study of God’s Word, to fellowship and encourage one another, and to witness together to a lost world. We are the redeemed of God
Second, we are Baptist. That doesn’t set well with some people. They don’t mind the label as much as who we work together in a world wide effort to bring the gospel to the lost world. But, Baptists we are. We are a people that believe in salvation by the grace and mercy of God. We believe that the gospel changes a person to want to be like Jesus Christ and to live for Him. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, not only God’s love letter to us, but also His plan for the universe. We believe in working together with other Baptists to bring the gospel to the world. We believe that one day, Jesus will come again and take us to be with Him.
And third, we are at Timber Ridge. While some churches are named after some Biblical word or term, and some after people, we are named for our community. I like that. We were established 175 years ago as a lighthouse in THIS community and we have stayed. Yes, we have members from Marshfield, Fair Grove, Strafford, and Elkland, but we are a vital part of this community. It was and is to our community that we have been given. God continues to increase our borders and I praise Him for that.
We take pride in some of our better points. We live to serve others in their times of need. We are generous to a fault. WE are a truly warm and friendly church. We say that ‘God’s love changes lives,’ and try to make that happen. We say that if you have problems, you are welcome here. No perfect people allowed. We are broken people, like broken glass that God picks up, dusts us off, then puts us together in a beautiful stained glass window to His glory. We want visitors to feel welcome, loved, and spiritually safe here.
Our purpose is not to be inwardly focused on our own needs, nor to be so focused outward that we forget who we are. Our purpose is to bring glory to God in all that we do. The Holy Spirit has given us talents, experiences, passions, spiritual abilities to use within the kingdom. By doing so, we bring honor to God. When God is honored, God is pleased.
So, who are we? Who are you? What gifts has God given you? How can you use them to bring honor to God’s name?