Revival, Part 1 of 5

Revival, Part 1 of 5

“We are the Greenwalds, and we are going to Wally-World!”  Do you remember that movie with Chevy Chase?  They decide at the last minute to pack up and go on a vacation to Wally World.  After a lifetime of unique and challenging experiences on the journey, they get to Wally World to find out it is closed!

Well, there is a lesson for all of us with everything we do.  We are going to have some special meetings we call ‘revival’ March 18-21.  We have Rev. Roger Morton coming to preach for us.  He preached for us a few years ago and God blessed us in magnificent ways.  But, Roger, as good and loved as he is, is not the key to revival.  God is!

I want to think about the questions – ‘Who are we?  Where are we going? How will we get there?” Over the next three months, I will write a devotion and post it on Facebook for you to read and pray about.  Revival does not come with the preacher.  It comes from God to the hearts of those seeking Him.

Most of us think that we would like to see God working in mighty ways in our congregation.  We have heard stories of how the Holy Spirit has stirred congregations and revival broke out.  The movement spread to other churches and covered great cities.  Where and when do these revivals begin.  Perhaps you are thinking of some prayer warrior or deeply pious person in the congregation and you think they are the most likely person to spark the fires of revival.  We seldom don’t put ourselves in that position, thinking that God would want to start revival in us! 

Revival begins with one person who bravely seeks the face of God; who opens their hearts and lives, recognizing the great gulf their sin has created between them and God; and is willing to let God do a work of grace and mercy in and through them. They see their sin.  They know that they are the only ones responsible for their attitudes and behavior, bad decisions and wandering from the leadership of God.  They confess it and beg God to forgive them and restore them.  And God does.

It makes a big difference in their priorities.  They act more lovingly, especially to those who have cause them pain.  They forgive and seek the forgiveness of those they have hurt.  There is no pride, but a great spirit of humility.  And God does His work touching lives through them. Soon, others are convicted by God’s Spirit and they humble themselves before the throne and God restores and revives them. Revival breaks out!

The purpose of revival is not to gain new members, though some will join our church as God moves them.  The purpose is to get our own lives, priorities and values, attitudes and behaviors right.  Only you and God can do that.  Are you willing to seek the face of God and come before Him in humility?  Are you ready for revival to begin in your heart?