Welcome ,and make yourself at home. If you haven’t been to TR very long it is our children . That’s right the heartbeat of TR . Jeff & Selena are the youth pastors .Kristy helps teach on Sunday morn .
If I herd it once I have herd a thousand times “ Dick Mann… make yourself at home.” every week he tells the achievement of our kids. Robert Morton , song leader he lets kids little kids come up on the pulpit to sing on Sunday morning . We have elected three more Deacons . Who would do anything for our kids .
No I haven’t forgot our senior pastors Wayne & Darlene they are on call also 24-7 I know I called them.
We are blessed to have them. Not to leave out our seniors . We would not be here without them. Not me Pam’s age. All the Sunday School teachers who every week teach , and teach. The faithful ,like the sound man not only shows on sun & wed but times through the week .So remember it’s the kids its all about the kids