Was that you God or did that just happen to be a coincidence? Did you hear my call? Did you see my sincerity? Did you answer my prayer? Martha said to Jesus, Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died. I asked in enough time for help. But you didn’t get here in time.
Aren’t we just like that? I’m impatient when they tell me to pull ahead for 2 minutes to wait for fries that aren’t cooked yet. Impatient? guilty. You can’t tell me I am the only one looking for a sign. The supernatural, God’s presence. Like walking into a hospital and saying in the name of Jesus be healed.
My faith is still intact. I’ve walked with God over 40 years. I am still amazed how he answers prayer. I have received money, firewood, healings, confirmation, direction, assurance, jobs, protection and he has walked with me through the shadow of death, more than once. Yes God that is you.