
There must be a mistake, I was just driving down the interstate. Where am I ?  Where are my clothes?  Two big doors open, in I go .Who are you? Now I am scared, looking to my left a cold evil entity is creeping me out. This evil dude is making a case against me he has documents, facts and dates. I’m done for, there is no way I’ll get out of this. Everything I have done has come back to me and to top it off he has eye wittnesses ready to testify against me. Oh, it’s over. Then a loud voice is heard, GUILTY ! Punishment… Death, The creep starts flipping out making all sorts of noises. But just then silence, in steps The Lord Jesus, he turns and looks at the Father. He says this one is mine. Quickly bring forth the best robe hurry put it on him, and shoes for his feet. For this is my child. Enter into your rest. Then he touched my eyes with a white cloth . Then the scripture came to mind he will dry all our tears.                        I dont pretend to know what will take place but this I do know …Jesus said I’ll never leave you nor forsake you !