Servant’s Heart

Servant of Jesus the Christ.
No greater honor than to be able to minister to the very least of these . Who are the these? The not so lovely , the hard looking, the down cast .  Their luck gone , the poor, the abused , the ones with no hope, no confidence.  Instead of tearing down, encourage one another.
Love one another . If you have the power to give ? Then give! If you can pray ,then pray. If you hold the power to forgive someone, then forgive that person! Remember… servants are to glorfly the master.  Stand ready, fellow servants!  The morning is here!  Time to minister to someone. Well done . On my knees – heaven’s court room full of witnesses – face bowed to the ground.  An evil looking minister of darkness stands up this one is mine . Wet with sweat, fear grips my heart.  The advesary produces a convincing argument. Scared… shaking like a leaf… what did he say?  Then Jesus stands
touching me on the shoulder, lifting me up, looking at the Father and says “He is mine. Enter into your rest!”  Not because of my work, but because of Jesus the Christ.  On my way out Jesus in front of me, I turn to look back at that evil minister of darkness.  I couldn’t help it. I put my thumbs in my ears and stuck my tongue out and went “na, na, na, na na !!”