Oh, What a Night!

Many things happen at night.  Some of them you try to forget.  Some things you try hard not to forget.  And then, there are some nights that are so exceptional, remembering them takes no effort at all.  That was the case last Sunday evening.

The day started with beautiful weather, then a great worship service.  Next we had the reception honoring our High School graduates.  Then at 6:00 PM, we had a special business meeting to vote on a contractor and on securing a construction loan for the new church.  Each motion was brought to the floor, seconded, and no discussion.  We were ready to vote, and when the votes were counted, both measures passed overwhelmingly.

Let me share with you just how special that vote was.  The last time the church bought property was in the 1850’s.  Two buildings have been  built on the present site.  In 1878, we built a “meeting house” back by the back fence.  In 1920, it was torn down and the present house was built.  It has taken us seven years to come from the point of

  • “thinking” about a new building,
  • sharing the dream,
  • letting the dream catch on,
  • setting up a study committee,
  • deciding whether or not to remodel,
  • establishing a building committee,
  • voting to build,
  • establishing a building fund,
  • locating land,
  • buying land,
  • deciding on basic plans,
  • hiring an architect,
  • accepting the plans,
  • raising $150,000, and
  • now, approving the loan and the contract0r.

God has been moving in the hearts of His people to reveal His vision and His provision that this might become a reality.  Just as He has cleared the way, and provided the resources thus far, He will continue to go with us through the building phase.  We are confident that within a year, we will be in our new church.  Yes, there are still some hurdles to jump, but God is with us.  The community will be watching us.  Many people with come to visit us while we are building, and after we are done.  Some will be curious while others will be seeking Jesus.

What an opportunity for the community to see the family of God growing, and reflecting the presence of Jesus.  What a blessed opportunity God has given me to be your pastor during this time.  Thank you Timber Ridge, and Thank you, Jesus.