“Well done, thou good and faithful servant!”

Boy, wouldn’t it be great to hear the Lord say that to us someday?  I have learned over the years that everybody wants to be recognized for their efforts though they don’t all want to be recognized the same way.  Some want a simple ‘thank you’ while others prefer a plaque or a banquet.  We all want to know that we have worked hard and made a difference in the lives of others or in the life of the organization we work for.  We want to know that our work was significant, that it was good, and that it was appreciated.  There is nothing wrong with that.

Our Lord told the story of the master who had left his wealth in the hands of his servants.  Each one had a different amount and two of them invested it while the third hid his part.  When the master returned, he called for an accounting and told the two investors, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!”  I know they had to feel good.

Well, as of May 1, Pam Kenworthy will be writing checks for the 21st year.  She has been our treasurer for over two decades.  There have been long hours, late hours, hard labor trying to balance the books, tracking funds from a plethera of  sources, sending out reports on a monthly basis.  Not one dime was ever misappropriated.  On May 1, we will be employing an accounting firm to do all this as the scope of the job has increased dramatically in the past few years.  Pam will still be the treasurer and will still be writing checks and will still be needing receipts.

Pam, I want you to know that your work has not gone unnoticed.  We all thank you for the years of sweat and toil you have put into your job.  Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ and to His church.  Thank you for your intense integrity and the Christian witness that is.  Thank you for your years of leadership to our church in the area of financing. You have been a good friend to all of us.

Just one more thing…you won’t hear those words from Jesus just yet.  Your job is not finished.  You still have plenty of work to do.  But for now, hear this loud and clear from all of us, past and present family members, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!”