A thought occured to me this morning as I was preparing for Palm Sunday. I am having trouble getting ‘up’ for Easter. Emotionally, I am tired and feel unprepared for all the hoop-la that goes with this season. Sounds a little grumpy, doesn’t it?
I was reading about the cross, and the thought came to me that I am human and am entitled to feeling ‘grumpy’ once in a while. Spiritually, I am soaring like an eagle. I am so excited about what God has been, is, and is about to do at Timber Ridge. I am excited about the crowds that we will receive on Good Friday, Sunrise Services, Easter. I am excited about the lives that are being changed by the touch of a loving God. I am excited about getting started on a new building that we desperately need. I am excited about the opportunity to enlarge our ministry in our community. But I am tired emotionally.
Truth is that you cannot live on adrenaline. Emotionally, you tire out. Everybody needs to take notice, sit back, relax, and don’t beat themselves up because they are emotionally tired. Elijah (1 Kings 19) got tired. God ministered to him, fed him, rested him, touched him, and gave him…more work to do. This time, the old Elijah was back.
Why do we get tired? Because we live in a body of flesh, a body that is physical, that winds down, that feels the weight of the world, that is cursed by sin, and is constantly wearing out. The mind is the same. As long as we have breath, we will live in this body of death. But one day, we will have a new body, a resurrected body. This body will not grow tired and weak. We will have a mind that does not get tired. We will live with Jesus in Heaven, enjoying eternity with our saved family and friends, and most of all, with Jesus. Praise the Lord and pass me another biscuit!