Play Ball

The game is about start. We have a big line up tonight. First up Randy, he just signed on not to long ago. Some of the guys just got back from camp and they are ready .Randy steps into the pitch… crack, he is on base with single. He is working on things . Next up, Matt a powerfull hitter. The pitch swing and a miss. Oh did you feel the breeze from that swing ?  Matt gathers himself ,into the pitch, swing and a miss, 0-2. He steps out of the batters box. Turns to look at the dugout, his team is on their feet yelling you can do it Matt. He is a big hitter, still standing, one foot in the batters box and one out he turns and looks up in the stands . His wife stands up and starts clapping, his strength comes back.  With that he points to center field the farthest place in the park .This is for you babe .The pitch, he swings ,Crack way back, way back, tell that ball good by. Next up Jeff, he is working really hard.  The pitch, crack all the way to the bleachers. On base with a double, good hit. Next up a big boy, he has been at this for a long time. No stranger to pain , he is always on call, night or day. Now he is up to bat, they would really like to strike this one out . Dick does not  know how many are behind him or how special he is to this team. Swing, a single, two men on.  Next up Josh, This is another power hitter . Yes I am proud to say he is my son. Josh steps up to the plate, he swings, miss. Josh backs out of the batters box, then steps back in .You know his son just joined the team. Not old enough to hit yet but he wants to.  Swing, tick , fowl ball .The catcher walks to the mound ,the only way we are going to strike him out is to change pitchers. In walks Doubt to the mound, oh he is ugly . Josh drops to his knees and prays. The team comes out of the dougout screaming wanting to fight.  Jeff runs over with sword in hand the fight is on. Josh comes to the bat.  Doubt throws a curve. Josh, fresh back from prayer swings.  Crack, way back ,way back ,tell it good by…..WHO’S UP NEXT?