We Will Miss You

Thursday, I had the privilege, yet the sad honor, of preaching the funeral of Lewis Burgess.  He was a character, to say the least, yet a character of the best kind.

Those that knew him for a long time shared with me stories of the good times they had, of the stories he told, of the great things he had done for his children, grandchildren, and friends.  He did not have any enemies.

I did not get to know him as they did.  He had attended Timber Ridge a few times.  Then his illness hit.  He had surgery, and discovered cancer.  He and his wife joined our church and formed an instant bond with our people.  Lewis was that kind of person that was a friend to all and to all a good friend.

He struggled hard against the illness, but succumbed on February 13.  I can’t help but feel sad for the family, but also sad for our church.  We missed a great blessing by not having him around to hear his stories, be encouraged by his words.

We will miss him, but only for a short time.  Soon, we will meet him again in heaven.  He will have guitar in one hand, fishing pole in the other, and ready to welcome us.